5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Copywriter

How do you know it’s time to hire a copywriter? Well, you’ve decided to read this article, so outsourcing your content is already on your mind (which is your first clue). 

But I get it, your business is your baby. You’re on the fence about hiring outside help.

Allow me to put your mind at ease. 

As a new small business owner, or as an entrepreneur who is just starting out, you wear all the hats. You’re the CEO, the bookkeeper, the social media manager, the creative director, and the head of marketing. At first, all of these hats are manageable. They’re light enough to balance by yourself. But eventually, the weight becomes too heavy for you to manage and things start to get messy. 

But don’t panic, this is a good thing! It means that your business is growing. Outsourcing your content doesn’t mean that you can’t handle the workload, it just means that you can afford to delegate a few tasks so that you can focus on your customers. 

So, without further ado, here are 5 reasons why you should hire a copywriter: 

It will save you time

As a business owner with a personal life, your time is valuable! When your work day is done, you should be able to clock out. You don’t want to miss out on game night because you’re stuck writing content for your business. Writing is time consuming, and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. 

Hiring a copywriter will allow you to spend less time writing and more time growing your business. 

Copy that converts readers into buyers

Your website is your potential customers’ first impression of your business. And studies show that when people land on a website, they only stay for a few seconds. This is why your copy is so important! Copywriters have a very particular set of skills (Liam Neeson anyone?) and they’ll know exactly what combination of words will turn your readers into customers. 

Connection to your customers

When people buy from a small business, they aren’t just investing in your product or service, they’re investing in you. Customers want to know who is behind the scenes. Blogs are a great opportunity to share your industry knowledge AND your personality. Plus, posting consistent and valuable blog content will boost your website’s SEO ranking. Win win! 

But, writing blog articles takes time. This is where hiring a copywriter comes in. A copywriter will provide you with SEO-friendly ready-to-post blog articles all while you’re interacting with customers and growing your business. 


You know when someone asks you what you do for a living and it’s really really hard to explain? You do what you do all day every day. And when you’re completely immersed in your business, it’s tough to look at it from the outside. A copywriter can look at your business with a fresh set of eyes and effectively communicate who you are and what you do to the outside world.  

Error-free copy 

There is nothing worse than spotting a typo in professional content. I don’t know about you, but when I see a typo, I’m instantly uninterested and unimpressed with whatever the person/company is trying to say. Don’t let silly mistakes like misspelled words or incorrect grammar lose you business! Outsourcing to a professional copywriter will ensure that your customers see nothing but error-free copy.

Outsourcing a part of your business is a big deal. As a business owner myself, I know it’s not a decision that’s taken lightly. Just remember, the fact that you’re even thinking about outsourcing is impressive! It means your business has grown to the point where you can afford to hire outside help. 

You don’t have to do it all by yourself.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, let’s chat! Head to the contact page, or schedule your free consultation phone call. 


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