How to Find Blog Content Ideas for Your Business

Whether you write your own blog articles, or if you outsource your blog writing to someone else, coming up with consistent topics can be a challenge. But, finding valuable blog topics isn’t as hard as you may think. And sometimes, you just need to change your mindset. Instead of wondering, “what should I blog about this week?” ask yourself, “what do my customers need to know this week?” Because in the end, blogging is all about providing value for your customers. There are several places within your own business that will help you generate thoughtful and valuable blog topics. Here are my tips for coming up with blog article ideas:


Take a look at your FAQs. Think about what questions your clients ask you the most. Could any of them be answered in detail with a blog article? For example, as a copywriter, I’m frequently asked why blogging is so important for small business owners. Sure, I’ve posted about it on Instagram, but blogging is just SO important that I decided to answer that question in detail with a blog article. No matter what your industry is, I guarantee there is a question or two that you’ve been asked multiple times, which is why your FAQs are the perfect place to start when you’re trying to come up with blog topic ideas for your business.


If you need a refresher on how to find keywords for your business, check out my article, “How to Choose the Best SEO Keywords for Your Website.” Once you’ve done the research, and you have a list of go-to keywords, you can use them to generate blog topics. Take your root keywords and plug them into Google, Pinterest, or a keyword tool like Ubersuggest and see what topics pop up. For example, if you’re a photographer who specializes in elopements, and you type “Colorado elopements” into a search engine, several articles about the best elopement locations pop up. That indicates that when people are searching for this keyword, they’re interested in possible locations to elope with their partner. So, writing a blog article about the best places to elope in your area would provide a lot of value to your photography clients.

Social media

Last but not least, your social media network. If you’re active on social media, you’ve spent a lot of time and energy building up a loyal following, so put them to work! Ask your followers what types of questions they have about your business or what they’d like to learn more about. Post a poll, or give your followers a chance to ask you questions directly. If anything pops up that could be answered in detail, you’ve got yourself a potential blog topic. Also, there’s no shame in doing some research within your industry on your social media accounts. What are other businesses talking/posting about? Use their topics and posts as inspiration. Customize the topic for your customers and their specific needs and then turn it into a helpful blog article.

Consistent blogging is crucial for small business owners. Blogging increases your SEO, allows you to connect with your customers, and gives you credibility in your industry. If you know you need to be blogging, but you don’t have the time, let’s schedule a free consultation call. I offer custom blog packages to small business owners. I’ll deliver valuable SEO-friendly blog articles that are ready to post to your website. Let me help you cross blogging off of your to do list!


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How to Choose the Best SEO Keywords for Your Website